Improving_the digital skills of seniors and disadvantaged groups in public administration
Digital transformation is gradually reshaping our entire society. However, seniors are a particularly vulnerable group, often lacking the necessary digital skills, which can lead to their social exclusion. Also at risk is the group of older civil servants who, due to their lack of skills, may find it difficult to keep their jobs until retirement or to find employment in better-qualified jobs.
For this reason, the Digital Coalition together with the Ministry of Investment, Regional Development and Informatisation have launched a national project called Improving the Digital Skills of Seniors and Disadvantaged Groups in the Public Administration. Its aim is to create a comprehensive testing and educational IT platform that will contribute to the sustainability of lifelong learning and a more significant improvement in the digital skills of selected target groups.
During this year, the Digital Coalition delivered a total of 521 training courses at 52 training locations across Slovakia. In total, as many as 13,850 seniors and public administration employees joined the Digital Club and participated in the training courses on the Digital Courses page.