Together for a better, digital, future! This is the main mission of the Digital Coalition, which since 2017 brings together private and public sector organisations to ensure the support of the domestic ICT sector and the development of our country.
About us
Digital Coalition – The National Coalition for Digital Skills and Jobs of the Slovak Republic is a national initiative established at the initiative of the European Commission within the framework of the Digital skills and jobs coalition policy. Its mission is to improve digital skills in Slovakia. The organisation was established in 2017 at the initiative of the Office of the Deputy Prime Minister of the Slovak Republic for Investment and Informatisation and the IT Association of Slovakia. DK currently brings together almost one hundred members – key stakeholders in the field of education and ICT in Slovakia. Members join the Digital Coalition voluntarily and free of charge by signing up to the Digital Coalition Members Memorandum at the same time as making valuable commitments to manage the impact of Industry 4.0 on human resources – the digital transformation of society (by 2020) and activities and professional contributions supporting the enhancement of digital skills.

Social networks
National coalitions for digital skills and professions in the European Union
recommended by the European Commission in its strategy for preparing for the digital future (digital age) to be set up in Member States as partnerships between digital skills actors to work together to improve digital skills, in particular: digital technology companies, education and training providers, education and employment ministries, public and private employment services, associations, non-profit organisations and social partners.
These are to take concrete action to bring digital skills to all levels of society, working together in areas such as upskilling in industry, skills certification, improving curricula in schools and universities, and raising awareness of ICT careers, especially among young people and women.