Grant Call – Mature for the Digital Age

9. novembra 2021

The Pontis Foundation launches a grant call Mature for the digital Age, which will support the relationship of seniors to digital technologies.

The article was originally published on date 5 November 2021

Mature for the Digital Age

Even for the elderly, digital technologies constitute an important source of information, relate to the entire world, create conditions for effective communication with the family or friends and may also serve as a means of rehabilitation to memory and other cognitive skills. Modern technologies, the world of social and internet networks have many challenges (not only) for previous generations. These include trees derived from digital technology, captive contours and hoaxes, online fraud or closure in social bulbs. That is why I have decided to launch a subsidised call to promote skills and activities which help elderly people to use digital technology completely safely to promote the active life of elderly people and to treat them around themselves and to link all generations.

The objective of the call

Mature for the Digital Age grant program aims to support organizations and their activities that will improve the relationship of older people (65+) to digital technologies, support the development of their digital skills, critical thinking with an emphasis on interconnection and active involvement of seniors.

The Telekom Endowment Fund at the Pontis Foundation has set aside 50,000 Euros to support the digital skills of seniors. 

Who can apply for a grant?

Eligible applicants are civic associations, non-profit organizations providing services of general interest, foundations, municipalities and cities, interest associations of legal entities, budgetary and contributory organizations and other legal entities whose object is one or more activities that fulfill a public benefit purpose or if they are legal entities. successors of the above legal entities on the basis of a change in legislation.

Evaluation criteria

  1. The project is clear in content, well-developed objectives and expected results of the project. (0-10b)
  2. The project has a detailed and concrete plan and timetable for activities that support the development of digital skills of seniors, resilience to disinformation and emphasis on critical thinking and full use of digital technologies. (0-10b)
  3. The project involves target groups in an innovative and creative way, promotes inclusion in society and intergenerational dialogue, seniors are active in the project (not only passive beneficiaries). (0-10b)
  4. The project has clearly defined measurable indicators and the expected impact of the project. (0-5b)
  5. The budget is adequately and efficiently planned. (0-5b)
  6. The project tries to waste natural resources in its activities and to protect the environment. (0-2b)

Do you have little experience in project writing? Watch the video and guide How to write a successful project.

Grant conditions

What grant can you apply for?

  • The minimum grant amount is 1000 Euros, the maximum amount of the grant is 5000 Euros. 
  • Indicate in the Donor system required amount of not more than 5000 Euros, no more.

Attention: The grant will be paid in two instalments: 70 % of the amount after the signature of the financial contribution contract and 30 % of the amount after receiving the final report on the use of the grant.

What can you use the grant for?

A grant may be applied for for items which are directly linked to the project and the implementation of the activities, are efficient, economical and temporally and materially linked to the implementation of the project’s activities.

The grant may not be applied for the reconstruction work and equipment of the organisation with fixed intangible assets not directly related to the implementation of the project’s activities. Furthermore, the grant is not applicable to depreciation, scholarships and training courses for staff, participation in training and conferences, the purchase of alcoholic beverages and cigarettes and other items which are not related to the project and its activities or cannot be properly documented.

How do you proceed when submitting projects?

By 31 December 2021 (until 23:55) at the latest, the following shall be required:

  • register on (donor: Slovak Telekom Foundation Fund, Programme: ST matures digital 2021);
  • fill in the project form on
  • the forms shall be sent only electronically on that page;
  • a statement of account and a copy of the statute, constitution or statutes of the organisation, including any amendments (additions), will have to be attached only after the project has been approved by the evaluation committee, to which you will be invited in writing in

Terms that are good to remember:

31 December 2021 (until 23:55): Closing date for receipt of grant applications

January 2022: Publication of results

February 2022 – September 2022: Implementation of projects

15 October 2022: Transmission of the final report with the statement of account

What are the terms of the grant call?

If the applicant succeeds, at the end of the implementation of the project:

  • send a statement of the grant – i.e. complete and correct documents proving the proper implementation of the grant (according to the instructions provided here: or in your profile under ‘Informácia o programe’) by 15 October 2022 at the latest as an annex to the electronic final report via in Annex or by post to the Nadácia Pontis (Zelinárska 2, 821 08 Bratislava).

The items shown in the budget must be the subject of a statement and proper accounts. For accounting records to be kept, Law No 431/2002 on accounting shall be governed by the numbers applicable to this Law issued by the National Council of the Slovak Republic. In accordance with this Law, invoicing and billing of the project should be carried out. Depending on the type of cargo, it may also be necessary to comply with other laws in force, such as Article 50 of the Law on income tax (‘2 %’ tax component), the Law on copyright, the Labour Code. The tariff headings which will not be correctly and properly invoiced shall be repaid to Nadis for the amount of the incorrect budget items

  • submit the final report electronically via by 15 October 2022 at the latest;
  • the final report will include 5 photos of the implementation and/or video.

Who will evaluate the projects?

Projects that will meet all the conditions of the call and will be sent by the deadline will be evaluated by an independent evaluation committee.

When will you know the results?

The results of the evaluation will be published during January 2022. Subsequently, successful applicants will be contacted from the Pontis Foundation regarding the signature of the grant agreement.

We are here for you!

If you have any questions, you can consult with the Programme Manager of the Pontis Foundation Matej Palack on weekdays from 9:00 to 17:00 on 0918 580 097 or write an email to — as the subject of the email you need to enter a password: ST Zrelí na dobu digitálnu 2021.

Úroveň digitálnych zručností

  • Základné

Druh iniciatívy

Národná iniciatíva

Geografická pôsobnosť - krajina

  • Slovensko

Digitálna technológia/špecializácia

  • Vývoj webu
  • Umelá inteligencia
  • Vývoj mobilnej aplikácie
  • Softvér
  • WiFi
  • Internet vecí

Cieľová skupina

  • Osoby, ktoré si vyžadujú rekvalifikáciu v zamestnaní
  • Autori pôvodných hovorcov

Cieľové skupiny

  • Digitálne zručnosti pre všetkých

Priemysel - oblasť vzdelávania a odbornej prípravy


Forma financovania


Sprostredkovateľ financovania


Podmienky financovania

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