Girls and ICT vol. 2

21. novembra 2022

The unique webinar, after which you will find out that your future lies in ICT ?

Did you know that The Digital Decade strategy aims to reach at least 20 million employed ICT specialists in Europe by 2030? 

So be the next one of 20 million and step into the magic world of IT.Listen to a succes stories of women in the field of ICT from Slovenia, the Czech Republic and Slovakia and strat working on your career in tech.

When? The webinar takes place on the 22nd of November 2022 and starts at 4 PM (approximately for 90 minutes)
Where? Zoom platformRegistration:…/1FAIpQLScjQndtxDasp5…/viewform

Format of the webinar:After the inspirational opening stories from our speakers, you will be divided into breakout rooms for a discussion with the speakers.

The event is supported by the Czech National Coalition for Digital Skills and Jobs (DigiKoalice), Digital Innovation Hub Slovenia and Digitálna Koalícia – Národná koalícia pre digitálne zručnosti a povolania SR.

Organizers are part of Digital Skills and Jobs Platform and the webinar is part of the capmaigne Motivating young people to start a career in tech. How EU countries are working to encourage young women and men to become the future 20M ICT specialists. Find out more on:

Dátum začiatku


Dátum ukončenia


Cieľové skupiny

  • Digitálne zručnosti pre všetkých

Digitálna technológia/špecializácia

  • Digitálne zručnosti

Úroveň digitálnych zručností

  • Odborník na digitálnu oblasť

Geografická pôsobnosť - krajina

  • Európska únia

Cieľový jazyk

  • Angličtina

Druh iniciatívy

Medzinárodná iniciatíva


Nastavenie podujatia

  • Virtuálny živý

Časové pásmo


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