Spoofy Online Game

4. novembra 2021

Spoofy is a free, downloadable online game for Finnish primary school pupils that teaches them to protect against online threats such as cyberbullying and spoof messages. It is an entertaining and exciting tool that helps kids learn basic digital safety skills concerning for example passwords, privacy and online etiquette. The game has been developed in the framework of the 2021 edition of the European Cyber Security Month (ECSM)

The tool will therefore act as one-stop-shop for SMEs in Europe, supporting them with cybersecurity recommendations and guidelines in a user-friendly and simple way. It also recognises the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on European businesses, causing them to turn to new digital solutions. 

What does this tool offer? 

The adoption of new technologies and digital solutions needs to go hand-in-hand with security, and SMEs struggle to achieve this balance, largely due to the lack of funding and cybersecurity guidelines to follow.  But cybersecurity does not need to be costly to work as it should: a number of measures that do not require significant financing are easy to implement, even for organisations that are not so digital yet. The new ENISA platform compiles practical cyber hygiene tips.



Tips and tools for SMEs: find guidance on how to….

Protect Employees
Enhance Processes
Strengthen technical measures
, or 
Overcome Covid19 issues

SMEs can also access a video repository, a collection of guidelines, tools and tips on cybersecurity strategy and implementation, contacts for relevant national authorities responsible for cybersecurity implementation on a national level, and valuable links for EU-funded projects suitable for SMEs. Other features include: reports, studies and working papers, guides and recommendations, online communication tools, workshops. 

A short cybersecurity guide in the form of a leaflet – ’12 steps to securing your business’ is also available via the platform, offering a more high-level guidance on securing online systems and services. The guide is available in several EU languages apart from English, including Czech, German, Greek, Spanish, French, Italian, Latvian, Polish, Portuguese and Romanian.

What else can you expect to find there?

Úroveň digitálnych zručností

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Inštitucionálna iniciatíva EÚ

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Priemysel - oblasť vzdelávania a odbornej prípravy

  • Základné programy a kvalifikácie

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