Digital allowance for SR pupils (Digital Pupil)
Slovakia is currently facing the challenge of how to effectively prepare students for professions that do not yet exist today. Experts’ forecasts are clear – up to 65% of today’s primary school pupils will one day fill the jobs created by Industry 4.0. And schools will play a key role in preparing children for the future labour market, according to the OECD. A key role in effectively preparing students for the digital future is played by the set-up of the education system as a whole and the active involvement of digital devices in the actual teaching process at all levels, both at school and at home. The activities of the Recovery and Resilience Plan of the Slovak Republic and the Digital Skills Strategy of the Slovak Republic are helping to progressively meet this objective, but to be truly effective and deliver the desired results, the underlying problem of uneven access to digital devices needs to be addressed.
The aim of the national project Digital Pupil Assignment (Digital Pupil) is precisely to increase the availability of digital devices towards target groups of pupils from socially disadvantaged backgrounds and to promote a more independent approach to education, as well as to master digital technology in preparation and in teaching, while creating conditions for the implementation of distance learning for all pupils.
Thanks to the Digital Pupil, more than 130 thousand pupils have a new digital device at home for learning and developing digital skills.